Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Nicki Minaj Cousin Murdered in Brooklyn

Such sad news for Rap princess 27 year old Nicki Minaj . Nicki cousin, Nicholas Telemaque had just left C-PAC nightclub just blocks from his home when he was shot multiple times in his torso at E. 52nd St. and Farragut Road in East Flatbush about 2:40 a.m., cops and a relative said.

Telemaque, who has prior arrests for possession of marijuana and driving on a suspended license, died soon after he was taken to Kings County Hospital. 

The “Super Bass” rapper took to Twitter to share her tragic loss. “Lived in Brooklyn his whole life. My precious cousin. My baby. Killed last nite,” wrote a distraught Nicki. “My cousin Nicholas. Also goes by Juse, or @brolicalcoholic* Murdered. Last nite. Near his home. Brooklyn,NY.”

Police are investigating the incident, but no arrests have been made so far.

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